Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly: daily notes on proceedings
The plan’s four major objectives are to: strengthen effective leadership and governance for mental health; provide comprehensive, integrated and responsive mental health and social care services in community-based settings; implement strategies for promotion and prevention in mental health, and strengthen information systems, evidence and research for mental health.
The plan sets important new directions for mental health including a central role for provision of community based care and a greater emphasis on human rights. It also emphasizes the empowerment of people with mental disabilities and the need to develop strong civil society and health promotion and prevention activities. The document proposes specific actions for Member States, international, regional and national level partners, and the Secretariat. It also proposes indicators and targets such as a 20% increase in service coverage for severe mental disorders and a 10% reduction of the suicide rate in countries by the year 2020 that can be used to evaluate levels of implementation, progress and impact.