Seminar “Improving access to and appropriate use of medicines for mental disorders”
The Seminar was organised in collaboration with the World Health Organization (Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Geneva), and the Medical Association of Cape Verde, with the support of the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health.
The seminar was attended by about 60 participants, including health professionals, mental health professionals, and Ministry officials from Portuguese-speaking African countries (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique), and international experts.
The discussion was based on the Technical Document “Improving access to and appropriate use of medicines for mental disorders”, co-produced by the World Health Organization and the Gulbenkian Global Mental Health Platform, which was launched during the Seminar.
After two days of discussion in plenary sessions and in working groups, the representatives of the Portuguese-speaking African countries agreed on several recommendations about effective strategies to improve access to and appropriate use of medicines for mental disorders. These recommendations will be available soon.
Day 1
Opening session, by Daniel Silves Ferreira, Benedetto Saraceno, José Miguel Caldas de Almeida, Shekhar Saxena, Oscar Santos, and Arlindo do Rosário
Session one: Improving access to and appropriate use of medicines for mental disorders, by Corrado Barbui PDF
Session two: Promoting rational selection of medicines for mental disorders, by João Miguel Vaz (Cape Verde) PDF, Jerónimo Henrique Té (Guiné Bissau) PDF, Lídia Gouveia/Luciana Massinga (Mozambique) PDF, Massoxi Vigário (Angola) PDF, discussant: Custodia Mandlhate.
Session three: Improving availability and affordability of medicines for mental disorders, by Eduardo Tavares (Cape Verde) PDF, Jerónimo Henrique Té (Guiné Bissau) PDF, Lídia Gouveia/Luciana Massinga (Mozambique) PDF, Massoxi Vigário (Angola) PDF, discussant: José Miguel Caldas de Almeida
Session four: Mental Health System in Cabo Verde, by Aristides da Luz PDF, discussant: Sebastiana Nkomo
Day 2
Session five: Promoting appropriate use and prescribing of medicines for mental disorders, by Manuel Faustino (Cape Verde) PDF, Jerónimo Henrique Té (Guiné Bissau) PDF, Lídia Gouveia/Luciana Massinga (Mozambique) PDF, Antónia de Sousa (Angola) PDF, discussant: Corrado Barbui
Closing session, by Benedetto Saraceno, Daniel Silves Ferreira and Shekhar Saxena PDF