Presentations and photos of the International Forum on Innovation in Mental Health
During the International Forum on Innovation in Mental Health three draft documents were presented and discussed.
Opening by Artur Santos Silva video and Shekhar Saxena video.
Document one: Integrating the response to mental disorders and other chronic diseases in health care systems. Presentation by Jürgen Unützer PDF video, Oye Gureje PDF video, Gabriel Ivbijaro PDF video, Dan Chisholm video and Vikram Patel PDF video.
Document two: Innovation in deinstitutionalization: a WHO expert survey. Presentation by Julian Eaton PDF video, John Mahoney PDF video, Palmira Santos PDF video, Mohan Isaac PDF video and Sashi Sashidharan PDF video.
Document three: Social determinants of mental health. Presentation by Sir Michael Marmot PDF video, Pedro Pita Barros PDF video, Harry Minas PDF video and Shekhar Saxena video.
Video presenting the International Forum on Innovation in Mental Health.
You may see the photos at the upper right corner of the homepage.