Ending political abuse of psychiatry: where we are at and what needs to be done.
van Voren R. Ending political abuse of psychiatry: where we are at and what needs to be done. BJPsych Bull Feb 2016, 40 (1) 30-33; DOI: 10.1192/pb.bp.114.049494
The number of reports of political activists falling victim to the political abuse of psychiatry is increasing. When the USSR first disintegrated, this practice virtually ceased to occur. What came in its place, however, was a disturbing collection of other forms of abuses, including human rights abuses, caused by a lack of resources, outdated treatment methods, a lack of understanding of individual human rights and a growing lack of tolerance in society. The number of cases of political abuse of psychiatry has increased since the 21st century began, particularly over the past few years in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.