Latest highlights
WB/WHO meeting: Out of the shadows - Making Mental Health a Global Development Priority
In April 2016, the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization will co-host a high-level meeting on global mental health, with a focus on depression and anxiety, to coincide with the 2016 Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group.
Programs Expand Schizophrenic Patients’ Role in Their Own Care
Over the past several years, a number of US states have set up programs emphasizing supportive services, like sustained one-on-one therapy, school and work assistance, and family education, as well as medication. The therapists work to engage each patient as an equal partner in decisions — including about medication dosage, to make it as tolerable as possible.
Suffering, Often in Silence, But Determined to Move Forward
One in five New Yorkers experiences a mental health disorder in any given year, the city’s Health and Mental Hygiene Department estimates.
Replacement of the Brazilian mental health national coordinator with a former director of one of the dreaded psychiatric hospitals in Latin America
The new Brazilian minister of health has removed the federal coordinator of mental health Roberto Tykanory, historical leader of the Brazilian mental health reform, and has nominated as new national coordinator a psychiatrist representing the most conservative psychiatry based on asylums. This nomination triggered national and international support to defend the reform and the movement "luta antimanicomial".
I Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge
Kevin Hines is using his story to spread suicide prevention awareness with his film, Suicide: The Ripple Effect, found at